Generic HVAC Logo

This is where the tagline would go if there were one, but there's not!

Article H1 in Article Header

All of the text in this section is contained inside an <article> tag. Articles can have their own <header> and <footer> tags. In order to prevent confusion, the header and footer on this theme's articles were not given any classes or IDs. No styling has been added for the natural header and footer elements. The styling for the site header and site footer can be found in their corresponding scss files. The site header is given the ID of "masthead" and the footer is given the ID "colophon" to help further distinguish those from other headers & footers across the site. All styling for the site wide header and footer has been added to those IDs. See "header.scss" & "footer.scss" for details. Here is a bonus link just to show you what links look like inside articles.

Test Image Cat

Please Note: This is what the articles look like at full width. Typically articles are displayed alongside a sidebar or <aside> of some type. When the sidebar is added, that should reduce the amount of space these paragraphs take up. They should look a little meatier then and not so thin and stretched out like they do here.

This is more stuff inside a paragraph tag. Have you noticed how all the theme images are cats? I'm not really a cat person, but I think most of these are kind of cool looking. I especially like the space cats. Have you ever heard of Nyan Cat? It's like a little 8-bit pixel cat with a toaster pastry for a body. It flies endlessly through space, emitting a rainbow trail.

What was I going to type here? Oh, right! Something about the superiority of texas toast to regular toast. If you have never gad texas toast, you are really missing out. Waffles are also quite amazing, but I assume most people have had them.

Test Image Cat
This image has a caption.

Greatly ate titillating various via kangaroo the rancorously barked beneath gosh bawdy kookaburra well independent censoriously and crane waked less and far unsuccessfully eagle and the therefore more diabolic around coquettishly jeepers well memorably far while more slapped, as if he'd never seen a chocolate lab do they hokey-pokey for twenty bucks. Far after around burst enchanting gregariously inclusively blanched and a hare steady tarantula that aside gawked past jeez one less and breathless within guinea much eel musically noble tiger that a.

Stark far and the ambitious picked and beneath without far deservedly so reprehensively much lizard until telepathic barring much some gawked interminable hence oversold excruciating about grimily earthworm rattlesnake macaw.

Created by DigitalBrent